In pulmonary consultations, Naseem Masood, MD, FCCP does evaluations of:
Naseem Masood, MD, FCCP also offers Pulmonary Function Testing. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) are a group of tests that measure how well the lungs take in and release air, and how well they move oxygen into the blood.
Pulmonary function tests are used to:
Further information on PFTs is available at the following website:
A bronchoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to examine your airways. Your doctor will thread an instrument called a bronchoscope through your nose or mouth and down your throat to reach your lungs. It can be flexible or rigid. Usually, a flexible bronchoscope is used.
At this office, Naseem Masood, MD, FCCP determines whether a patient needs a bronchoscopy. If so, she schedules and performs one at the hospital.
Further information on bronchoscopies is available at the following website: